Services & Fees


People seek counselling for help with problems but also for achieving goals. Whilst family, friends and colleagues can provide valuable support, at times well-intentioned input from people in our life can make things more difficult or we may have limited access to safe connections. There are significant benefits to speaking with a professional who is legally and ethically bound to provide appropriate care. Psychologists are trained in the art and science of being an efficient helper with sensitivity to not cause further harm.

Counselling sessions are 50 minutes long (plus 10 minutes for record keeping) and typically involve some assessment and information gathering initially, followed by feedback and recommendations about treatment options. In this process you and the psychologist will get a sense of your “fit” as a team and can be honest about expectations, goals and any concerns. Further sessions are spaced out as agreed and needed, with periodic review to stay on track and ensure you are making progress. 

Counselling sessions cost $180

You do not need a referral to see a psychologist.
Medicare provides rebate for a total of 10 sessions per calendar year for clients with a current Mental Health Care/Treatment Plan and a referral from a doctor, psychiatrist or pediatrician. It is worth discussing your eligibility with your doctor. The current Medicare rebate for a General Psychology session is $92.90 (reducing your out-of-pocket expense per session to $87.10).

Private Health Funds may rebate for psychology sessions if you have ancillary cover – please check with your insurer for your exact details. Private health rebate cannot be used in conjunction with Medicare rebate.

NDIS, DVA, TAC and Workcover carry their own schedules of fees and processes for billing.


Glimmers Psychology is committed to providing affordable and caring supervision for colleagues at any stage of the profession.

We are accredited to supervise all psychologists as well as Provisional psychologists in higher degree placements (Principal and Secondary supervisor for 5+1 pathway, Secondary supervisor for 4+2 pathway), and those undergoing the Registrar program leading to Counselling Endorsement.

We are particularly passionate about supporting early career psychologists and those who are new to private practice. We aim to be generous with sharing of knowledge and resources.

Supervision sessions cost $170/hour. A slight discounted rate of $160/hour applies for Registrars seeking a series of supervision.